Why I am on this coaching and motivational journey?
Experiencing the profound loss that I have experienced; people were always looking to me for an explanation. Then I started to actually think about my responses. Ninety percent of the time I spent making people understand and feel “better” about my loss and subsequently their loss. As a writer, I kept notes that came into my head. Over and over again friends and family encouraged me to “write it down” I received many texts and emails from friends and acquaintances telling me that my words are inspirational. That set me on this journey. This is not a three year journey from the death of my son and husband. I lost my mother at 18 – an impressionable age and had to pivot, adjust and try to make the most out of life. Loving my husband so deeply, the arrival of an extraordinary mother in law that I eventually loved like a mother, and embracing a large, complex family filled a void and helped make my life rich and rewarding. But you have to “want it” you have to look for the answers, not wait for them to approach you.