I’m talking to you like your best friend. I don’t mean to hurt you. I would never do that. I only want you to be happy. I experienced what you are presently feeling five years ago. I lost both my son and then my husband, six months apart. I was completely devastated. I always knew I wanted to live so I had to make the decision to re-enter society. I quickly learned that the way I looked and acted was the way people responded to me. I kept the hurt to myself and to a few select family and friends.
The outside world saw me as a vivacious, energized and interesting person. Recovery is the time to show the world that you are special, relevant, beautiful inside and out. I made my hair a little blonder, I rode my bike a little longer and I hugged everyone a little tighter. Every positive move I make helps me get stronger and happier. I wish I could have my old life back. That’s not going to happen. I am building a new one now and I smile more every day.