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Episode 18 – Re-entering The Social World

Re-entering the world as a single person after the death of a spouse is definitely a test of resiliency. Everyone reacts differently, and no one should be judged on how they want to conduct their future. It’s a very personal decision. 

I would like to explore with Susan her experiences because what she experienced was very difficult and Susan had to overcome two devastating events, the loss of her son six months before the death of her husband. No one has to tell Susan how defeated a person can feel, and how overwhelming it was to move forward with her life. But she did it. Now I want Susan to share it with you. Let’s explore how you jumped into the social world.

Although this podcast is about re-entering the social world after widowhood, I’d like to ask you about you and Michael re-entering together after David’s suicide

Susan is Suddenly Single
Susan is Suddenly Single
Episode 18 - Re-entering The Social World